Windows 11: thank you for these "Moments

Written by Guillaume
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While Microsoft has yet to confirm the exact launch date of the Windows 11 22H2 update, it is also preparing for a new type of update.

Windows 11 22H2 is expected by many users. The massive update planned by Microsoft should in all likelihood be released before the end of September, probably around the 20th. A publication that should be the occasion to impulse a notable change in the strategy of update as Microsoft leads it already for a while.

Indeed, the Redmond-based publisher is seriously considering the launch of additional, less ambitious, but more regular updates. So seriously in fact that the first of these updates could be available as early as next month. It is rumored that it will be available just 15 days after 22H2, for a release during the first week of October.

According to Windows Latest, these additional, lighter updates will be called "Moment". Although they will include fewer new features, there is no question of making them anecdotal updates, so to speak. No, Microsoft plans to focus them on a few features in order to make them lighter and to be able to deploy them more quickly. On the other hand, what they will include is important, such as the integration of navigation tabs and a new sidebar in Windows File Explorer or what are called suggested actions.

Still according to Windows Latest, the pace of release of these "Moments" is not determined in advance. We have already said that "Moment 1" should arrive at the beginning of October, and it seems that "Moment 2" is not expected until next year, without any further details. Microsoft plans to offer them via Windows Update in the form of cumulative updates.